Hawthorn penned a similar piece for the Globe & Mail ten years ago, which contains more details about the single appearance of the subject of "the greatest baseball card ever made".
Bill Murray, Victoria Mussels infielder |
The Reverend Thomas Bayes never saw a baseball, but he would have enjoyed thinking about the probabilistic nature of the game.
Bill Murray, Victoria Mussels infielder |
# load the package into R, and open the data table 'Teams' into the
# workspace
# select a sub-set of teams from 1901 [the establishment of the American
# League] forward to 2012
Teams_sub <- as.data.frame(subset(Teams, yearID > 1900))
# calculate each team's average runs and runs allowed per game
Teams_sub$RPG <- Teams_sub$R/Teams_sub$G
Teams_sub$RAPG <- Teams_sub$RA/Teams_sub$G
# create new data frame with season totals for each league
LG_RPG <- aggregate(cbind(R, RA, G) ~ yearID + lgID, data = Teams_sub, sum)
# calculate league + season runs and runs allowed per game
# select a sub-set of teams from 1901 [the establishment of the American
# League] forward to 2012 read the data into separate league tables
ALseason <- (subset(LG_RPG, yearID > 1900 & lgID == "AL"))
NLseason <- (subset(LG_RPG, yearID > 1900 & lgID == "NL"))
# AMERICAN LEAGUE create new object ALRunScore.LO for loess model
ALRunScore.LO <- loess(ALseason$LG_RPG ~ ALseason$yearID)
ALRunScore.LO.predict <- predict(ALRunScore.LO)
# create new objects RunScore.Lo.XX for loess models with 'span' control
# span = 0.25
ALRunScore.LO.25 <- loess(ALseason$LG_RPG ~ ALseason$yearID, span = 0.25)
ALRunScore.LO.25.predict <- predict(ALRunScore.LO.25)
# span = 0.5
ALRunScore.LO.5 <- loess(ALseason$LG_RPG ~ ALseason$yearID, span = 0.5)
ALRunScore.LO.5.predict <- predict(ALRunScore.LO.5)
# NATIONAL LEAGUE create new object RunScore.LO for loess model
NLRunScore.LO <- loess(NLseason$LG_RPG ~ NLseason$yearID)
NLRunScore.LO.predict <- predict(NLRunScore.LO)
# loess models
NLRunScore.LO.25 <- loess(NLseason$LG_RPG ~ NLseason$yearID, span = 0.25)
NLRunScore.LO.25.predict <- predict(NLRunScore.LO.25)
NLRunScore.LO.5 <- loess(NLseason$LG_RPG ~ NLseason$yearID, span = 0.5)
NLRunScore.LO.5.predict <- predict(NLRunScore.LO.5)
# MULTI-PLOT -- MERGING AL AND NL RESULTS plot individual years as lines
ylim <- c(3, 6)
# start with AL line
plot(ALseason$LG_RPG ~ ALseason$yearID, type = "l", lty = "solid", col = "red",
lwd = 2, main = "Runs per team per game, 1901-2012", ylim = ylim, xlab = "year",
ylab = "runs per game")
# add NL line
lines(NLseason$yearID, NLseason$LG_RPG, lty = "solid", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
# chart additions
legend(1900, 3.5, c("AL", "NL"), lty = c("solid", "solid"), col = c("red", "blue"),
lwd = c(2, 2))
# plot multiple loess curves (span=0.50 and 0.25)
ylim <- c(3, 6)
# start with AL line
plot(ALRunScore.LO.5.predict ~ ALseason$yearID, type = "l", lty = "solid", col = "red",
lwd = 2, main = "Runs per team per game, 1901-2012", ylim = ylim, xlab = "year",
ylab = "runs per game")
# add NL line
lines(NLseason$yearID, NLRunScore.LO.5.predict, lty = "solid", col = "blue",
lwd = 2)
# add 0.25 lines
lines(ALseason$yearID, ALRunScore.LO.25.predict, lty = "dashed", col = "red",
lwd = 2)
lines(NLseason$yearID, NLRunScore.LO.25.predict, lty = "dashed", col = "blue",
lwd = 2)
# chart additions
legend(1900, 3.5, c("AL (span=0.50)", "NL (span=0.50)", "AL (span=0.25)", "NL (span=0.25)"),
lty = c("solid", "solid", "dashed", "dashed"), col = c("red", "blue", "red",
"blue"), lwd = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
# 1. absolute
RunDiff <- (ALseason$LG_RPG - NLseason$LG_RPG)
# 2. LOESS span=0.25
RunDiffLO <- (ALRunScore.LO.25.predict - NLRunScore.LO.25.predict)
# plot each year absolute difference as bar, difference in trend as line
ylim <- c(-1, 1.5)
plot(RunDiff ~ ALseason$yearID, type = "h", lty = "solid", col = "blue", lwd = 2,
main = "Run scoring trend: AL difference from NL, 1901-2012", ylim = ylim,
xlab = "year", ylab = "runs per game")
# add RunDiff line
lines(ALseason$yearID, RunDiffLO, lty = "solid", col = "black", lwd = 2)
# add line at zero
abline(h = 0, lty = "dotdash")
# chart additions
legend(1900, 1.5, c("AL difference from NL: absolute", "AL difference from NL, LOESS (span=0.25)"),
lty = c("solid", "solid"), col = c("blue", "black"), lwd = c(2, 2))